What do you mean by “based in visual arts”?
A project that takes the form of a specific art presentation, exhibition, creation of work, produced event or phase of a larger project that is fully executed within 2024 and made available to the public. Artists may request funding for a fully realized artistic project or phase of a larger creative arc, as long as the project scope is appropriately scaled to the request amount and project goals. The application should be focused on realizing the materialization of creative or aesthetic ideas, rather than on a merit-based approach. Musicians and other performers are invited to apply, as long as there is a primary visual element to the project.
What do you mean by “public display/realm”?
Sites that are accessible to the public that may include conventional art viewing spaces like artist studios (as long as there are open hours posted), sites for public artworks, businesses (cafes or restaurants), commercial or non-profit galleries. Unconventional sites may include abandoned storefronts, city infrastructure (bus shelters, streets, open spaces), signage (billboards), building facades or construction fences, with permissions and proper permitting granted. Proposed sites must be accessible to all members of the public, including individuals with disabilities. Projects may NOT be displayed in SPACES.
Are applicants required to have a confirmed display site or exhibition venue?
A confirmed venue is not a requirement in the application process, however applicants should indicate the context for the display of the work. For example, if an artist would like to create a bold text-based artwork that is intended to reach audience members during their daily commutes, they might develop a proposal to display the work on a billboard. Where in your community would benefit most from your project? A successful proposal would include a map of potential billboards to rent in a neighborhood where those community members reside, as well as research into the cost of renting those billboards. If an artist plans to display their work on a virtual platform, they might develop a proposal on said platform and reaching their intended audience. Other artworks may be less dependent on the display context; if an artist needs a gallery space and did not already provide a list of potential exhibition sites, SPACES Program Manager will work with them to find a pubic display space. As with most open calls, the more information the artist provides, the easier it is for the review panel to envision how the project will materialize, if it satisfies the selection criteria, and if the project is feasible.
How should the budget be constructed and when is the funding disbursed?
Applicants may allocate the $4,000 as necessary to meet the needs of their project, including their own fees or commission. 100% of grant funds will be dispersed to the grantee via ACH transaction at the beginning of the project once their artist agreement, PR form and CAC profile is completed. At the close of the project, grantees will be required to submit a final report itemizing their actual project expenses. SPACES will not reimburse the grantee for any expense exceeding the $4,000 total award; grantees are responsible for any project costs beyond $4,000. Applicants and grantees are encouraged to seek additional funding to aid in the production of their project.
When are applications due?
We will award a total of 12 grants. The grants will be distributed through two application cycles. We will encourage our panelists to seek a balance of ideas explored in the proposals that they select. As this opportunity requests work that is responsive to timely concerns, we anticipate that applications will increase in the immediate aftermath of major news cycles. Each cycle, jurors will select 6 artists to receive the Urgent Art Fund, who will have until December 31, 2024 to complete and display their project. Applicants are encouraged to resubmit their applications in the second cycle with consideration for jury feedback if not accepted. Projects must be completed and displayed by December 31, 2024 regardless of the date an artist is rewarded.
Within 30 calendar days of project completion, artists must report on the following: (i) the project’s accomplishments (and any challenges); (ii) a description of public engagement around the project, including the number of audience members (if feasible); (iii) media coverage/marketing results + professional documentation from the public display; (iv) feedback on the Artists’ experience; and (v) expenditure of grant funds. SPACES Program Manager is available to assist artists in completing their report.
Are there any deadlines for project creation and reporting?
Can I display my project at SPACES?
Projects CANNOT be presented at SPACES. The idea is for artwork to be viewed throughout Cuyahoga County, so think of SPACES as your headquarters. SPACES can however be used as a resource to help carry out your project. Click HERE to see what our spaces have to offer!
Charging admission for your work is an option, however, we ask that the price is set appropriately. For example: anything above $10 generally wouldn't be ideal, becoming a financial strain negatively effecting attendance. Less than $10 would be ideal and is not as big of a risk as say $20, but you still may be looking at attendance being at stake.
Can I sell tickets for people to view my work?
How much funding can I acquire + can I pursue funding from outside sources?
Each of the 12 selected projects will receive a full $4,000 grant. Artist(s) may pursue funding from outside sources (government funding agencies, foundations, individuals, and/or online funding platforms) if additional project funding is needed, and must provide full disclosure to SPACES of all additional project funding pursued by or paid to the artist(s). SPACES may produce any print, online, or other public acknowledgement of any funders of the artist(s) project. Artists are encouraged to seek additional funding for their Urgent Art Fund proposal, however, additional funding must go towards the Urgent Art funded project. Funds from the Urgent Art Fund may not go towards another grant or project. For more information on what additional funding may be used, please contact SPACES Program Manager.